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How do I pay commissions?

Sending or paying the due commissions to your affiliates

Kyle Fox avatar
Written by Kyle Fox
Updated over a week ago

Rewardful will email you on the 1st of the month if you have commissions due and it's time to pay your affiliates. The email will include a link to your Rewardful dashboard where you'll find a summary of how much you owe each affiliate.

Rewardful does not process commission payments on your behalf. You can choose to pay the commissions however you like, but most of our customers choose to use PayPal or Wise (formerly TransferWise).

Choosing a payout method

You can select your preferred payout method during the initial setup process or from the Company settings page. Rewardful supports three possible options:

  • PayPal

  • Wise

  • Other

When you select PayPal or Wise, affiliates will be prompted to provide their preferred email address for receiving payments. Affiliates are not prompted for any additional payment details when Other is selected.

This setting also determines the format of the due payouts CSV file that can be exported from your Rewardful dashboard. When you choose PayPal or Wise, the CSV file will be formatted to allow payments through PayPal mass payments or Wise batch payments. When you select Other, the exported CSV file will use a generic format.

Additional details for paying with PayPal and Wise appear at the end of this article.

Paying commissions

Step 1: Downloading the CSV File

You should pay your affiliates according to the terms of service for your affiliate program. Those might include a minimum payout threshold, which can be set up for each of your campaigns, or payment at a specific time like the beginning of the month.

Rewardful emails all merchants who have affiliates awaiting payment on the first of each month and also displays an indicator beside the Payouts menu item at any point when you have affiliate payouts that are due.

Clicking the Payouts menu item will display a list of all your paid and unpaid payouts with tabs for filtering them based on their states. Most payouts will be in one of the following states:

  • Due - The affiliate has due commissions that meet or exceed the minimum payout threshold amount.

  • Pending - The affiliate has commissions that would be due based on their age, but the total may not yet have reached your minimum payout threshold amount. (By default, all campaigns have a zero minimum payout amount, but you can update this at any time by editing your campaign's settings.)

  • Paid - The payout is fully marked as paid.

Remember: you are responsible for the settlement of affiliate payouts. Rewardful has no access to your funds and, therefore, cannot physically transfer the money necessary to compensate your affiliates.

Clicking on the Due tab on your Payouts page will filter the list of payouts to show only those that are due. The system displays a button at the bottom of the page to download these amounts as a CSV formatted according to your selected payout method - PayPal, Wise, or generic.

The exported CSV will contain only the payouts selected by you, so make your selections before exporting your CSV file by marking the appropriate checkboxes in the leftmost column. You can select all payouts on a given page by marking the checkbox in the table header. When you do, if you have more than one page of results, you will be able to select all due payouts by clicking a link displayed in the table footer next to the selections indicator.

Step 2: Marking Payouts as Paid

After uploading the CSV file to PayPal/Wise (or paying via another method) and receiving confirmation that the payouts have been sent, select the payouts that have been sent out by selecting all payouts, then clicking the Mark Paid button

Alternatively, if you only sent out the payouts to a select number of affiliates, you can check the payouts individually and then click the Mark Paid button.

If you only paid an individual affiliate, you may search for their name or email in the payout, then check the payout, and then mark it as paid.

PayPal Mass Pay

After you've downloaded the CSV file as described above, from your PayPal dashboard go to Tools → Send Money → Make a mass payment and upload the CSV file when prompted. After confirming and submitting the payment in PayPal, click the "Mark as paid" button in Rewardful

Note: To reduce fraud, PayPal may require you to phone them to enable the mass pay feature on your PayPal account. PayPal fees apply.

Learn more about PayPal Mass Pay →

Wise Batch Payments

After you've downloaded the CSV file as described above, from your Wise dashboard click Send money → Batch payments and upload the CSV file when prompted. You'll have an opportunity to review the payments and choose a funding source before submitting the payments.

When claiming the payment, your affiliates will be prompted to create a Wise account and provide bank account details for where they'd like the funds deposited.

Learn more about Wise Batch Payments →

Marking Paid Payouts Back to Due Payouts

If you accidentally marked a due payout as paid, you can revert the payout as paid:

  1. Go to Payouts > Paid tab.

  2. Click the three dots at the right side of payout you want to revert back to due.

  3. Click the Revert to unapid option.

A few notes about marking payouts back to due:

  1. Once a payout is reverted back to a due status, the batch of commissions included in the payout will be reverted back to due as well.

  2. If you're using our Paypal Mass Pay integration and the payout was successfully sent to the Paypal email address, you will not be able to revert a payment back to unpaid or due.

  3. If the affiliate has another payout that is currently due and you mark a paid payout back to due, the batch of paid commissions under that payout will be merged with the existing payout that is currently labeled as due.

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