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Managing user accounts

Rewardful provides you with tools for inviting and managing users for your program.

Emmet Gibney avatar
Written by Emmet Gibney
Updated over a year ago

Now that you've managed to set up your affiliate program, it's time to invite other members of your team to help you manage it. With Rewardful's team features, you'll be able to easily invite new users, manage existing accounts, and assign account owner permissions where appropriate. Let's get started!

You can access the team management interface by selecting the Team management option from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of your dashboard.

Note: subscribers on our Performance and Starter plans are limited to at most two active users or one active user and one pending invitation, while Growth and Enterprise plan subscribers can invite and add an unlimited number of users. Because of this, you might find slight differences between the workflow and interface described in this article and your own experience. If you have any questions, you can always get in touch with our support team, or refer to our pricing page for more information about all of our various plans, features and limitations of each.

Inviting new users to your program

Rewardful lets you create, send, and manage invitations to prospective team members by clicking the Invite new users link in the Team management page header. When you do so, the application will display a form where you can enter the email addresses of your invitees along with an optional subject line and email message. Leaving the email subject blank and the body unchanged will send out invitation emails using the placeholder and default text shown in the form, respectively.

After submitting the form, Rewardful will email each of your invitees, and you should now see them listed in the table of Pending invitations at the bottom of your Team management screen. If you need to, you can click the Revoke button to invalidate an invitation before it's redeemed, or you can resend the invitation email to the recipient by clicking the Resend button.

Activating and deactivating users

Rewardful lets you control who has access to your affiliate program by deactivating user accounts. Inactive users will no longer be permitted to log into the dashboard.

To make any active user in the upper table inactive, just click the Deactivate button and confirm when asked to do so. And as you might imagine, you can make any inactive user in the lower table active by clicking the Activate button and confirming that action.

To avoid tricky situations, Rewardful won't allow you to deactivate your own user account, so don't even ask.

Account owners

To keep things nice and simple, Rewardful doesn't let you define a fine-grained model for permissions and access rights on different users. We assume that you trust the people you've invited to help manage your program, and so for the most part, all users have access to all functions. However, there are certain exceptions:

  • Inviting and managing other users under your account

  • Receiving automated emails with account management information

  • Acting as the sender for automated emails to affiliates

For these types of functions, we define an account owner role that can be turned on or off for one or more active users using the provided toggle switches.

A few things to bear in mind when it comes to account owners:

  • The initial user who creates your Rewardful account will be granted account owner status by default.

  • You can grant account owner permissions to as many of your active users as you like, but you must always have at least one account owner at all times. Rewardful won't allow you to unset the role if only one user still has it.

  • You can even remove the account owner role from your own user account, but the system will require an additional confirmation step since it will prevent you from later accessing team management functions to set it back.

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